


The George Washington University - M.A. Chinese History



Boston College Carrol School of Management - MBA


VP Customer Experience

MIT - B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science


Chief Data Scientist

MIT - S.M. and Ph.D. in Computer Science


Analytic insights are critical to Pharma performance. From investigating the market viability of new compounds to arming the sales force with the right information to have meaningful and effective engagements with HCPs, analytics touch every aspect of commercial operations.

SENTIER was founded in 2017 to disrupt the way advanced analytics are created and delivered for Pharma. We were the first to draw the distinction between reporting and analytic ready data.  SENTIER led the way delivering the first machine learning based promotional performance and customer scoring models for Pharma. We continue to innovate as we enter the era of GenAI and large language modeling. 

While Pharma companies have significantly improved their ability to create new analytics that drive performance, the challenge of moving those models to an operational or “always on” state has yet to be solved.  And it has to be solved. The need for frequent insights to guide business decisions in a dynamic healthcare marketplace is only increasing.

We will be focusing much of our effort going forward on addressing that challenge starting with VELOCITY, the first of its kind Analytic Operations as a Service solution for Pharma. As we always have, we look forward to the journey with our customers.